We are a small business and will work hard to earn your trust. This page will shed light on some of the questions that might cross your mind if you are on this web site for the first time.
Who are we?
My ID HUB service is operated by My ID HUB LLC registered in WA, United States. Oleg Ignat, President and Founder of My ID HUB LLC has a tangible number of sensitive pieces of information and needs a place to store them with a convenience of access from anywhere in the world 24x7x365. Just like some of you he was skeptical about security of his data online. How to store data reliably in the cloud when any part of infrastructure can and will be compromised at some point? My ID HUB service was born as an answer. Service was rigorously tested over time and eventually opened to public.
Why are we here?
There are a few existing services providers in this space but their business model doesn't match our vision. We strongly believe that information should be available free of charge in the most convenient way possible. Our first objective is to level the playing field, cause positive changes in the industry for customers and give big companies a run for their money. We strongly believe that increasing number of security and data breach incidents is pushing the industry to come up with a fundamentally different way for people to interact and authenticate again computer systems. We have an idea.
What do we believe in?
We believe that solving basic information persistance and retrieval problem is more important than generating income. We believe that information must be freely available in any place in the world through the most secure and convenient way available for a particular device. We believe that the customer is the only party that owns and is in full control of his/her information. We believe that we don't need any personally identifiable information to let anyone store their data inside My ID HUB.
How do we make money?
My ID HUB doesn't make money however over time we would like to start generating income and cover domain name registration, hosting services, development, maintenance and other business related expenses.
Why should you trust us?
We are users of our system - security of your data is security of our data. We are invested in making sure My ID HUB operates at the latest security standards. To start with, we are a business registered with the US government and have a real world address. My ID HUB doesn't integrate with 3rd party services (including advertisement services) because they can be compromised and we don't want to render their content on the same web page where your passwords are. We use TLS encryption to confirm our identity when you visit the service, we also reject all non-encrypted traffic. Our web site is periodically scanned for evidence of intrusion. We prevent automatic password cracking bots from attempting to guess your account password by showing them CAPTCHA that they can't read. IP addressess that generate unusually high volume of requests are blocked automatically to keep the service running for the rest of us. My ID HUB supports two-factor authentication that keeps your account safe even if someone does know your password. We could continue enumerating all our tricks but they would become to technical and low-level. If there is something else we could do to increase your confidence in My ID HUB service please kindly let us know.
Do you have additional questions? Please contact us and we'll be happy to answer them.